Welcome to Venedor!

Venedor a modern and laconic theme based on Bootstrap’s 12 column 1200px responsive grid system.

Responsive Design

Cras pellentesque, nisi ac tempus pellentesque, orci sem commodo urna,amet egestas ipsum orci sit amet tellus. Mauris eu ante felis.

Powerful Admin Panel

Etiam dapibus mattis sapien, blandit molestie nunc venenatis ut. Phasellus imperdiet lacinia est, nec convallis dolor aliquet ac.

Awesome Sliders

Duis a dignissim nulla. Phasellus lacinia aliquam lorem, a consequat erat interdum nec. Aenean ut leo sem, id gravida tortor.

Premium Support

Pellentesque ut libero in nibh aliquet pretium eget elementum felis. Integer dapibus auctor tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti.

Who are we?

Venedor is a fully responsive PSD theme designed for all types of platforms: WooCommerce, Magento, OpenCart, PrestaShop and other. Based on Bootstrap’s 12 column 1200px responsive grid Template. Great looks on desktops, tablets and mobiles. Sed interdum magna sit amet orci tristique blandit. Etiam id justo consequ quam viverra elementum.

Sed ac magna sed massa rhoncus elementum et ac augue. Morbi non tellus nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus. Suspendise eu nunc pulvinar,varius libero, eleifenu nunc pulvinar,varius libero, eleifend nunc pellentesque mauris. Buy Venedor Template!

Meet Our Team

Walter Allter

Chief Executive Officer

Arron Rivera

Sales Manager

Evan Brooks

Project Manager

Susan Brooks

Accounts Manager

Jake Bryant

Office Manager

Jane Bryant

PHP Developer

Diana Rivera

JavaScript Developer

Our Skills

Venedor is a fully responsive PSD theme designed for all types of platforms: WooCommerce, Magento, OpenCart, PrestaShop and other. Based on Bootstrap’s 12 column 1200px responsive grid Template. Great looks on desktops, tablets and mobiles. Sed interdum magna sit amet orci tristique blandit.

Our Works

85% Complete
73% Complete
87% Complete
69% Complete
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